stay a little,
won’t you?

welcome to my world. as some would say i'm a "swiss army knife". not a jack of all trades, but a jedi knight on my way to master.

as seen on

“there is nothing outside of yourself that can ever enable you to
get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter.
everything is within.
get better, stronger, richer, quicker, or smarter.
black mirror, season 3 episode 1
kind woman
"just met at a grocery store and she asked me to do a weird review. she was kind and bought me flowers."
all truth
"she keeps it straight that’s for sure. She is tough and pushes you to become a better version of yourself."
the best teacher
"has the best content with a wide range of knowledge. She does not gatekeep, but also wants you to get there on your own."
what i love to do
being hands on with creating a community with a brand is one of the most rewarding ventures you can have. hearing stories of those who have been impacted by your brand. choosing shapes, illustrations, and developing the brand story.
digital marketing
there is nothing like spending four hours brainstorming. the creativty that illuminates from the area is magical. while not all ideas are perfect, finding that one campaign idea, that one product, that one instagram post that could make you stand out from the rest. that is what i live for.
helping others is my passion. i get my need to aid others in success comes from my grandmother who had the biggest heart of any person i know. my rules are simple: help others who ask for help & do not gatekeep.
don’t believe me?
here’s my proof